Our production of La Boheme played to full houses in Warners Bay Theatre and delighted audiences.
Our double casts were excellent: Joshua Oxley and Adrian Li Donni as Rodolfo, Ashlee Woodgate and Tessa Hayworth as Mimi, Sheridan Oxley and Galatea Kneath as Musetta.
Tristan Entwistle was a splendid Marcello, and James Walker as Schaunard and Ian Fisher as Colline gave great performances sharing an electric affinity for each other. Malcolm Young achieved a double, playing both Benoit and Alcindoro.
Stewart McGowan brought a freshness and fine artistic eye to the direction. His work in the crowd scenes was superb, especially as he sang himself!
Robyn Greenwell’s design was beautifully conceived, and Coralie Lewis designed outstanding costumes.
Lake Macquarie Philharmonic excelled, and conductor Christopher Bearman OAM brought an admiration of Puccini’s masterpiece to life.
Opera Hunter is very grateful to the dedicated ensemble of adults. Our thanks to Julie Fawcett and her children’s chorus.

Images by Rosa Doric